Friday, August 17, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

Nathan's first day of school went great! He had no problem with me leaving and he even blew me a kiss when I left. When I came to pick him up from school he was so excited to tell me about his day. Nathan picked out his blue shoes and had a veggie, chips, a pickle, peaches/blueberries, and water for lunch. Blake was sooo sad the entire day about Nathan not being with us and the fact that he didn't get to go to school too. Also, the other day I had to take Blake to the ER because he fell off the couch and passed out for about 30 seconds. When he came to he was fine, but I still wanted to call the doctor and they just told me to take him right to the ER, so I did and we sat there for 5 hours and he was and is just fine....thank goodness!


  1. He's hot stuff! Love the outfit...

    ... and seriously! That lunch divider is awesome! Target, here I come.

  2. Love the outfit - especially the shoes. Glad it went well. I just sent Nathan and Audrey off for their first day! They are both looking forward to next year when Audrey will be in the same school with Nathan. I love that he is going to show her around.

  3. What a charmer! Scary to hear about Blake, though. Glad he was ok. My kids fall off things and hit their heads all the time, but they've never gone unconscious! Eek!
