Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nathan's Bro's

The other day Nathan really opened up about school. I think he was just in a talkative mood or something. He was telling me about his friends. His best friend/girlfriend is of course Abigail, but he was telling me that Henry was his buddy and Eli and Lorenzo were his "bro's". He said it so nonchalantly too.

Also, the boys were chasing me around tonight before bed trying to lick me like dogs. Nathan wouldn't get his jammies on and I told him that I would bite him like a dog if he didn't get his jammies on right away. Then I bent over to pick up some toys and the next thing I knew Blake bit me in the butt. It hurt pretty bad.

Here is a picture of one of the rings from my grandmother. She gave me a lot and this one is one of my favorites. Yes, I know I have grandma hands. I always have and I always will.


  1. OK Christi I read your entire blog and I never saw a picture of the t-shirt quilt! Glad you joined the blogging world. I go in spurts but you probably won't because you just aren't like that... Anyway, we should start talking about doing some projects together.

  2. OK! So that fact that you can fit in the dryer.....Christi, it's just not right!!!! :)
